#Spontaneous Thursday - Judgement

A 15 year old girl holds hands with her 1 year old son. 
People call her a slut, no one knows that she was raped at 13.

People call another guy fat. 
No one knows that he has a serious disease causing him to be over weight.

People call an old man ugly. 
No one knew he had a serious injury to his face while fighting for his country in the war.

So, beware before you pass on the judgement because it may ruin someone's life.

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6 doa buatku makin comel:

Dzarief Zuhdi said...

manusia.. mmg pakar dalam menilai manusia lain.. ~~

Kei Seichi said...

suka berprasangka buruk...org mcm tu memang banyak sangat...

Halusinasi said...

Dzarief : itulah sifat manusia yg sebenarnya..

Kei : kan2...tak rugi kalau kita tak berkawan dgn org mcm ni

shafiqabdshukor said...

sikap buruk sangka...

kaizen said...

org Msia mmg pakar bab nih...

Halusinasi said...

shafiqa : tak baik buruk sangka kan?

kaizen : tahu takpe..terutama org yg suka bergosip..hehe

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